“Why Read?” asks Melina (Reading Vacation)

Melina of Reading Vacation is one of the youngest book bloggers around – she’s actually in the demographic for the middle-grade and YA books she reviews! However, her writing and blogging accomplishments are well beyond her years. She was an eager participant in Armchair BEA, and she made quite an impression on everyone she met.

Please welcome today’s guest blogger to The 3 R’s, as she asks (and answers) a question for all ages: “Why read?”

I read. In fact, I read an awful lot. To be completely honest, I spend more time reading than anything else (except for maybe sleeping). Some people would venture to say that I read too much. I disagree. They, frankly, should be reading MORE.
Reading is entertainment for me. Some people watch TV and have favorite shows that they can’t live without. Other people watch sports and have teams that they root for with all their heart. And other people play video games for hours on end trying to defeat an imaginary enemy.
I can do ALL of those things when I read. Those TV shows with the interesting characters, amazing settings, and captivating story lines can be found in books. While I don’t read books about sports teams, I can root for my favorite character or group of characters in a book. Finally, there are books that take me on a journey into a fantasy world where I can imagine myself defeating a fierce enemy.
Reading is also an escape for me. When my everyday life is boring, I can count on a book to turn up the excitement. If I find myself in a waiting room, a book is my best friend. On the other hand, if my everyday life is hectic, I can curl up with a book that tells a relaxing story to calm my nerves.
Since I started my blog, I have found that reading can also bring about new friendships. Who would have imagined a 10-year-old girl in Texas being friends with other readers from all over the world? I absolutely love that I have found a whole community that shares my obsession with books. It is so fun to talk books and share opinions with so many others.
So, if you see me with my nose in a book, don’t feel bad for me and think that I am being forced to read. Instead, come over and ask if I have read any good books lately. I would love to tell you all about them.

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