Sunday Salon: Greetings from the Recovery Room

 The Sunday

Regular readers already know about this, but just in case you hadn’t heard, I had shoulder surgery on Friday. It was an outpatient procedure and I’m at home, but my right arm will be in a sling for the next four to six weeks. While I am capable of typing left-handed if I have to, it’s slow and uncomfortable going, so posting frequency around here will most likely drop off during the next month or so.

After the first few days at home, I hope to be awake and feeling well enough to spend a good amount of my time reading. I’ve got a nice-sized stack of physical books at hand, plus about a dozen e-books – and I still have Indie Lit Awards reading to do! Assuming that happens, most of the writing I do for the next little while will probably be book reviews.  In addition, I did manage to get some posts on non-bookish topics written up in advance, and I’ll be scheduling them in the mix. (And when I’m not up to reading, I’ve got plenty of TV on DVD to distract me too!)

Reading in bedImage via Wikipedia

I’m also very appreciative that several folks heard my plea for guest posts and were willing to help! Kori, Teresa, Mike, and Kim are making return visits – they all contributed posts here during my vacation last summer – and Josie, Serena, Jeanne, and Melissa will be here for the first time.

I’ll be around and keeping up as much as I can, so I do hope you’ll keep reading!

Reviews posted since the last report
Other recent posts of (possible) interest
Also – thanks to everyone who weighed in on last week’s Sunday Salon discussion of “Abandonment Issues”

New additions to TBR Purgatory (all relocated from the Wishlist, where their places have already been taken by others):
Devotion: A Memoir, by Dani Shapiro (for an upcoming TLC Book Tour)
The Girl Who Fell from the Sky, by Heidi W. Durrow
New to the Wishlist

What are you planning to read this week?

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